
We're excited to announce the launch of our new payment processing system featuring direct debit. Over the last few months, many dealers have inquired about a way to consolidate all warranty payments into a single monthly payment. We're pleased to introduce this new feature...


Log your warranties

Get started by logging all your warranties within our online platform. We will not take payment for each warranty logged individually. Instead, we will consolidate payments for all warranties based on the collection cycle of your choice.

Auto pay monthly, weekly or daily

Select a payment collection cycle that works for you. We can run your direct debit collection on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. When you log a warranty, it will automatically be added to the next collection cycle.

All warranties on one invoice

When a collection cycle is initiated, an invoice will automatically be emailed to you. This invoice will include all warranties logged within that collection cycle.

How to get started with Direct Debit

Want to get started with Direct Debit payments? Get in touch with our support team today, and we can initiate your direct debit mandate on the collection cycle that suits you.